7 ways to make the most from a Virtual Office

7 ways to make the most from a Virtual Office

Increased Business – Never lose a customer new or old: Make the most of having a real person answering your calls.  With a professional Call Answering Service your company will appear to have its own receptionist who, not only answers your calls but can determine...
Networking in a Serviced Office

Networking in a Serviced Office

A massive benefit of having a serviced office is the FREE opportunities you have right on your door step.   Increased business Networking with people in the same building creates opportunities for new business.  With so many different businesses around you there...
Working from the cloud

Working from the cloud

A physical office for some business sectors can be an unnecessary expense, with new modern technology all you need is internet access to run your company from anywhere in the world.   Cloud computing is normally provided by a third party as a software service...
Why You Need a Meeting Room

Why You Need a Meeting Room

Over the years many things have changed in the business world. Who remembers wearing a power tie or sending a fax?  However an enduring aspect is that there will always be a need for meetings and collaboration.  This blog sets out just a few examples why we still...
Creating a good first impression

Creating a good first impression

Whether you’re meeting new customers, potential employers or team members – making a good first impression is always essential.  Did you know it only takes 3 seconds to make a bad impression? Plus you need as many as 8 positives to undo a bad first...